Khala Crowdloan Went Live, Contribute KSM for Khala Now! | Khala Weekly Vol.38

Phala Network
Phala Network
Published in
3 min readJun 15, 2021


Dev Updates


  1. Khala initial runtime has been submitted to Kusama
  2. Khala onboarded to Westend (testnet)
  • Working as expected
  • Performed on-chain upgrade test

3. Khala has started Crowdloan and deployed the event site

  • Fixed various day-1 bugs

4. Development

  • Refactor implementation of how Phala node syncs genesis state to pRuntime PR
  • Fixed potential pRuntime crash PR
  • Fixed memory leak in pRuntime PR

💻Work in progress

  1. The front end of ChainBridge-based PHA token two-way (ETH <> Khala) bridge
  2. Long-term work
  • Mining pool systemRuntime BridgeTracker
  • Improving computing task mechanisms to work better with parachains

Community & Ecosystem

  • Community Stats:
  • Khala Crowdloan Dapp launched on June 11. Users can contribute KSM for Khala on Phala official website. Users who contribute before June 22 will receive an additional NFT, an early bird bonus offered by Khala in partnership with RMRK, which can be used to receive an additional 1% PHA bonus on the staking amount once Khala goes live. Tutorials 👇

In addition to the Khala official website, users can also support Khala in the auction through the platforms listed below (more added regularly):

Dapp: Polka.js, AToken, imToken, MathWallet, TokenPocket

Centralized organizations: OKEx, KuCoin, Kraken, Newland

  • Per Web3 Capital, as of June 13, Phala received 6,157 KSM through the crowdloan and ranked 4 among all the projects competing for the parachain slot.

Activities & News

  1. Phala expanded its partnership with Altcoin Traders on June 8. Altcoin Traders is a thriving group of experienced crypto enthusiasts providing guidance for success to the growing crypto community. It will be a premier channel to let crypto enthusiasts get access to Phala Network and deep dive into the confidential compute cloud in the Web3.0 world!🍻

2. Darwinia, Crust, and Phala jointly held a Kusama parachain auction live AMA on June 13. During the event, Marvin Tong, Phala’s CEO & Co-founder showcased the Khala Crowdloan Dapp.


Phala will soon host our first AMA on the topic of Khala’s slot auction in Phala’s official TG group on June 16th, 2 PM GMT — ask anything you want to know about Khala! 3500 PHA rewards waiting there! Agenda 👉 Details

About Phala

Phala Network tackles the issue of trust in the computation cloud.

This blockchain is a trustless computation platform that enables massive cloud processing without sacrificing data confidentiality. Built around TEE-based privacy technology already embedded into modern processors, Phala Network’s distributed computing cloud is versatile and confidential. By separating the consensus mechanism from computation, Phala ensures processing power is highly scalable. Together, this creates the infrastructure for a powerful, secure, and scalable trustless computing cloud.

As a member parachain of the Polkadot cross-chain ecosystem, Phala will be able to provide computing power to other blockchain applications while protecting the data layer, enabling possibilities like privacy-protected DeFi trading positions and transaction history, co-computing DID confidential data, developing light-node cross-chain bridges, and more.

On-chain services currently being developed on Phala Network include Web3 Analytics: high-performance smart contracts from Phala enable highly concurrent mass data analytics with privacy, paving the way for an alternative to Google Analytics that inherently respects individual confidentiality.

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